Leather jockstrap is one of the typical gear a gay Leatherman should have, I bought my first pair from 665 leather. Good quality, but it seems the size too large for me. If just wear at home, that’s fine. but when walking on the street, it hurts me 🙁
So I am looking if somewhere else has leather jockstrap.
Of course, I checked out Mr. S Leather:
Can be used with the chastity device, such as cb6000. nice!
But seems only include this one, it’s called Leather Hidden Ring – Jock or Thong. You have to buy the pouch separately 🙁
Mr S Leather has these pouch options:
1. Color Leather Pouches (Solid or Stripe), one of the classics.
2. Spiked Pouch, this one is super hot! I think it’s the perfect leather jockstrap for a Master.hehe
There are also other pouches on Mr. R, but I think these two are the best ones.
Also, on JT’s Stockroom, they have some leather jockstrap too.
The price is quite tempting, only 58USD. much cheaper than Mr. S Leather, but the bad side is that you cannot open your pouch 🙁 it’s all in one, just like a regular jockstrap.
On 665 Leather, here is the one I bought. Almost the same price as Mr S Leather.
here is the link:
I am thinking to buy from Mr. S Leather this time, anyone knows another place to buy a good leather jockstrap?