24/7 Rubber Life

there’s a hot rubber slave profile on recon, love his writings!  his id is rubber wellingtonboot on recon.


RUBBERWELLINGTONBOOT is the totally owned slave of RUBBERSUITED under number 515-466-992 in the Slave Registry.

The slave now has to wear RUBBER and RUBBER WELLINGTON BOOTS/RUBBER WADERS 24 hours day and night. it is required to wear a RUBBER suit all day, every day and every night in bed when it must sleep on a RUBBER bed sheet and with RUBBER pillow cases. At weekends the slave must wear a RUBBER suit, RUBBER WADERS/HIPBOOTS, RUBBER coat, RUBBER latex tattoo gloves with long heavy RUBBER gauntlets on top and RUBBER baseball cap on its head, whatever the weather. On weekends when it is raining, it must wear a RUBBER sou’wester, in place of a RUBBER baseball cap. When inside at weekends it must also be RUBBER hooded AT ALL TIMES.

The slave must always wear WELLINGTON BOOTS on its feet ALL DAY, EVERY DAY, WHATEVER THE WEATHER. it must also wear RUBBER WADERS/HIPBOOTS IN BED EVERY NIGHT, WITHOUT EXCEPTION. When the wearing of footwear other than RUBBER WELLINGTON BOOTS is sanctioned by its Master, it may ONLY wear heavy high leg army combat assault boots. The slave must normally wear its RUBBER WELLINGTON BOOTS with the tops turned down by 2 inches and on full view. At weekends slave must ALWAYS wear RUBBER WADERS/HIPBOOTS whenever it goes out in public. The slave must always normally wear its RUBBER WELLINGTON BOOTS/RUBBER WADERS/HIPBOOTS with bare feet,

When travelling to its country cottage (known as “the piggery”) the slave must only wear RUBBER – a RUBBER suit, RUBBER WELLINGTON BOOTS, a RUBBER/OILSKIN coat, black heavy RUBBER wrist length gloves and a RUBBER baseball cap. If it should be necessary to wear a normal T-shirt for warmth, this must be completely covered by the RUBBER or OILSKIN.

When online at the piggery, it must ALWAYS be in full RUBBER and hooded.

If at any time the slave wears trousers, it must ALWAYS wear these with braces/suspenders AT ALL TIMES,. The slave is not permitted to wear a belt to hold up its trousers, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.

When it is riding its motorcycle, the slave must ALWAYS wear its yellow RUBBER Hi Viz jacket and bib and brace trousers, together with RUBBER gauntlets and RUBBER WELLINGTON BOOTS (see pictures in Motorcycle section). The yellow RUBBER Hi Viz jacket must always be completely sealed up to the neck,

It is MANDATORY that slave wears diapers 24 hours al day every day for pissing. The slave is only permitted to use the toilet for shitting and when it does it must sit on the porcelain rim, as toilet seats are not for the use of RUBBER pervert slaves.

The slave is totally forbidden ever to have any form of sexual gratification or satisfaction. In view of this, the slave must be permanently totally locked in chastity 24/7/365.

The RUBBER slave can no longer arrange sexual meetings with any other RUBBER men, unless this is authorised by its OWNER. If such meetings are authorised, the RUBBER slave must always only take a submissive role, being used solely for the pleasure of other RUBBER men. The slave’s own convenience or pleasure is of no interest or importance.

If and when it is necessary for slave to go out in non RUBBER clothes, it is MANDATORY that it ALWAYS wears a RUBBER SUIT underneath with RUBBER WELLINGTON BOOTS.

The slave is very proud of the fact that its Master has transformed it from being a normal RUBBER WELLINGTON BOOT lover, into a 100% RUBBER PERVERT slave which cannot now live without RUBBER.


and here is his Master’s profile writings on recon:


I am into all kinds of rubber, both latex and industrial heavyweight, boots, waders, suits, hoods, waterproofs, s/m, filth and perversions.

I am the proud owner of RUBBERWELLINGTONBOOT, a dedicated RUBBER and RUBBER WELLINGTON BOOT pervert slave, that is completely controlled in everything it does and wears. The slave knows that it is only there to be used and abused, and that it must ask permission before meeting or corresponding with anyone. The slave can be contacted on here, through it’s profile as rubberwellingtonboot.

Looking for similar fully clad booted rubber sleaze guys. Let’s get sweaty and dirty!


1 thought on “24/7 Rubber Life”

  1. i sure be your rubber slave dog and caage dog whip spank 24 hrs 7 days 365 rubbeer dog train dog whip spank with a big thick beeat rubber strap it sting ha hand cuffs hand foot gag hood
    i be that rubber dog


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