I was checking on ebay today, and find this great deal, LaCrosse Rubber boots for only around 20 bucks! but not my size 🙁
Well, I am definitely going to buy one when I have my own space. As I have too much gear already.
Here is the pics for this black and yellow rubber boots:
Overall look of this LaCrosse Rubber Boots;
Aren’t they just HOT ?
Detail look of the steel toe;
I like the yellow color, it’s one of my hanky code.haha
Sole of the rubber boots;
Inside of the LaCrosse Rubber Boots;
I found out there are several construction worker websites have them. price from 20buck to around 70 bucks. Don’t know which website is good to buy them.
Also, LaCrosse also have a pair of same color waders, it’s available on Mr.S Leather: